咨询 Outreach Peer Education

The 咨询 Outreach Peer Education (COPE) program is designed for enthusiastic students interested in promoting wellness and raising awareness about mental health on campus. COPE members reach the student body through the development and execution of outreach programs, like the National Depression Screening Day, the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and The DORA College Program (Depression and Suicide 预防). They participate in wellness screenings, presentations, and peer education groups. COPE provides members with
  • An opportunity to develop leadership skills, team work, and project management.
  • A chance to have a real impact in their community - to raise awareness - on issues that matter to them.
  • A way to enhance their knowledge about mental health and preventative interventions in a college campus.
  • A nice addition to their resume or vitae with the potential of awards and recognition for leadership and outstanding service.
COPE members undergo training by the 咨询 & 测试 工作人员 that focuses on helping skills, mental health and developmental issues among college students, and knowledge about campus and community resources to facilitate referral. As the year progresses, the team receives training in screenings for mood disorders, eating disorders, and alcohol and other drugs abuse and in the development of outreach programs, such as presentations and awareness events (*COPE is solely a peer education group and does not provide professional counseling.)
Each member is expected to:
  • Commit at least one year to the program.
  • Participate in the yearly training
  • Attend 2 COPE meetings per semester
  • Provide one educational presentation per semester. 学生 can assist a CTC staff member with a presentation or design a presentation with the advise of a CTC staff or the group's advisor.
  • Attend one outreach event sponsored by the 咨询 & 测试 Center (e.g., National Depression Screening Day, National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Health & Fitness Expo).
COPE was founded on January, 2013 with four graduate students in the Clinical Mental Health 咨询 program. Our vision is to have team members from diverse undergraduate and graduate academic backgrounds that are committed to improving our community's mental health. If you are interested in this program, complete this 应用程序. The COPE coordinator will contact you to set up an interview.
Meeting Times for Spring 2015
  • Monday, 02/02/2015; 11:30am-12:20pm; @ Bell Hall, Room 183
  • Monday, 02/16/2015, 11:30am-12:20pm; @ Bell Hall, Room 183
  • Monday, 03/02/2015, 11:30am-12:20pm; @ Bell Hall, Room 183
  • Monday, 03/16/2015, 11:30am-12:20pm; @ Bell Hall, Room 183
  • Monday, 04/06/2015, 11:30am-12:20pm; @ Bell Hall, Room 183

Jose Gonzalez II, NCC, MA, LPC is the advisor for the COPE team. He can be reached at gonzalej@guidedlighttherapy.com or 269-471-3470.